Speakers & Presentations Available For Your Group
Sample presentations by speakers:
- Creating a Native Habitat for Birds in Your Yard
- Florida Native Plants Benefits and Selections
- Florida Native Plants Are For The Birds and Bees
- Introduction to Native Plants, Details of Selected Native Plants and Historical Uses
- Native Groundcovers and Other Ideas to Eliminate Turfgrass
- AlterNatives: Native Plant Alternatives to Common Invasive Plants
If you are interested in having someone from Ixia speak about these or other topics, email us at ixiachapter@gmail.com or use the Contact Form on the sidebar.
If you would like to make a presentation on your own to your homeowners association (HOA), garden club, or other group, you may download the presentation below from our website for free..
PowerPoint Presentations (in pdf format):
- Why Native Landscapes Are Important (It includes a script that you can be read that runs for about ten minutes. This makes the case for why natives are important even in HOAs.
- Alternatives: Native Plant Replacements for Common Invasive Plants
- Before They Were Native-A Brief History of Florida's Flora
- Native Plants and Their Ethnobotanical Uses
- Milkweed, Monarchs, and OE in Florida: It's Complicated with Jaret Daniels
- Wildflowers and Weeds: Exploring What Native Means presented by Marc Frank
Blogs of interest:
- Florida Native Plant Society Blog
- Green Gardening Matters blog by Ixia member, Ginny Stibolt.
Environmental Organizations:
- Archbold Biological Station
- Audubon Florida
- Eat Your Yard Jax
- Florida Invasive Species Council (formerly Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council)
- Florida Natural Areas Inventory
- Florida Native Plant Society
- Florida Wildflower Foundation
- Homegrown National Park
- Nature Conservancy
- Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation