
Speakers & Presentations Available For Your Group 

Sample presentations by speakers: 

  • Creating a Native Habitat for Birds in Your Yard
  • Florida Native Plants Benefits and Selections
  • Florida Native Plants Are For The Birds and Bees
  • Introduction to Native Plants, Details of Selected Native Plants and Historical Uses
  • Native Groundcovers and Other Ideas to Eliminate Turfgrass
  • AlterNatives: Native Plant Alternatives to Common Invasive Plants

If you are interested in having someone from Ixia speak about these or other topics, email us at or use the Contact Form on the sidebar.

Why Natives PowerPointIf you would like to make a presentation on your own to your homeowners association (HOA), garden club, or other group, you may download the presentation below from our website for free.. 

PowerPoint Presentations (in pdf format):


Blogs of interest:

Environmental Organizations:

Plant Sale Files:

Chapter Files:

The mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.