Library (exclusive FNPS Member benefit)

The Ixia Chapter has a library of books that are available for Florida Native Plant Society members to borrow.

You can access a listing of the books HERE. The list is a pdf file and is formated in Landscape orientation if you want a printed copy.
FNPS members can use our CONTACT FORM to place a hold on a book, ask questions about the library or suggest book titles to add to the library.
Enter "Book Reservation" in the Subject field if your are requesting
to reserve a book.
When you attend the next chapter meeting, you can pick up the book and check it out. A small selection of books from the library will also be available at each meeting. 
A limit of 3 books can be checked out simultaneously.
After you are finished using checked out books, please bring the books to a meeting to return them to the library.
The library is updated with new books, so check back here often for the updated list. 
The mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.